About Terry’s Workshops

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     Terry offers one, two and three day workshops that include, demonstration, lecture and hands on participation tailored to the specific interests of the students.  He offers a diverse choice in firing processes including but not limited to thin shell sagger, traditional sagar vessel preparation, low salt fuming and Raku with post fire reduction techniques. His firing processes utilize a wide range of organic combustibles and oxides. Participants may bring 6-10 cone 10 bisque ware to complete during the workshop.

      Workshops are also available in stoneware with emphasis on glazing with reduction firing for carbon trap shino glazes. His workshops may include demonstrations on paddled vessels, puffed dry-stretched acorn forms, thrown and altered construction techniques. Elements of glaze application, slip formula preparation, brushwork techniques, burnishing and terra sigallata applications. Utilization of local resources such as compound granite dust and ash glazes may be included. Extended workshops available upon request to include pit firing,  raku or salt vapor kiln construction.

       Terry’s creates workshops for beginners thru advanced professionals. His intent is to provide ideas, techniques, inspiration and insight that would empower the artist in their individual creative journey.

     Contact Terry for more information or to schedule a workshop in your area

Saggar Workshop

Example of wrapped sagar